Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 07:53:49 -0500 From: "Strata, Inc." <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg1228$foo@default> Subject: TO Steve Hinkson, RE: wild-collected plants and policies concerning them
You wrote:
"Blanket statements like that are exactly why environmentalism has gotten
such a bad reputation.Whether wild collected plants come into cultivation
depends on the wild source. A bog area that is going to be drained or
filled, or harvested for peat would be examples of places where I think your
statement: " distribution of wild sourced material of plants successfully
in cultivation should be positively (i.e.actively) discouraged except where
this introduces samples from populations that may be expected to exhibit
variation from those
already in cultivation" Is obviously silly. What? you'd rather compost
these plants?
And what's your stand, then, on privately owned bogs? Even when re-seeded
regularly, do these plants qualify as "wild Collected"? I Know a nurseryman
in New York that bought two, rather than have his township drain them, and
he harvests plants every spring. But he has been lambasted for selling
"wild collected" even here in this forum.
I agree that the laws should be followed, but I don't at all agree that we,
here, should second guess other's activities without facts. BUT all too
often, that's exactly how it goes. Steve".
RESPONSE: I agree with you completely (well almost)! Well-spoken!
Personally, I have a distaste for organizations in general, especially when
they are self-appointed guardians of something or other, and try to force
their views down other people's throats because that's how they "feel",
without hard-core scientific EVIDENCE and without FACTS. These people tend
to be intolerant of other people's diverse lifestyles and ideas, and have no
regard for private property and people's rights. But we know how to take
care of people like that; he, he, he, he....In addition, I cringe every time
someone calls for the Feds to enact ANY laws. What these people do not
realize is that, every time they allow the Feds to make a new law, the Feds
get control over one more little (or big) part of our lives. There are so
many laws in the US today, that anyone, is at any given moment in technical
violation of some law.
Take care,
Michael Pagoulatos
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