Re: CP digest 434

Ellen York (
Fri, 11 Aug 1995 19:01:26 -0400 (EDT)

Well, I've been listening, but not talking.. Now that my shoebox is
glistening with liliputian droseriferous carnivores, I can finally say "I
grow carnivorous plants too!". Forgive me for not introducing myself sooner.
Drooling quietly at the computer while reading my email has
been my only contribution. I have enjoyed your exchanges about
Amorphophallus (we received a bunch of Simon seedlings @ Phipps
Conservatory) and Nepenthes (we are hoping to acquire a number of large
specimens to show the public and to start a true collection, during our
fall "Discovery" show), about the taxonomy of Drosera (I'm trained in
systematics) and the need for RO water (we want to install it in our
fogging system @ Pitt, but it's too corrosive). I am also research
greenhouse manager for the Dept. of Biology @ U. Pittsburgh, and grow
plants for demo for intro Botany.
Thank you for all your discussions: they make each afternoon a treat!
Ellen York, Greenhouse Manager
Dept. of Biology
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh,PA 15260
Plant Recorder, Librarian, Assistant Grower
Phipps Conservatory
Pittsburgh, 15213