> I am not sure if there are any co- evolutionary
> associations between a particular species of spider
> and Sarracenias
While in the Green Swamp last year Bruce (dionea@nando.net) and I
observed one variety of spider on top of many S. flava pitchers
in at least three distinct (separated by at least a few hundred
meters) locations. The spiders didn't spin webs inside the
pitchers that I could see but appeared to be roving hunters that
waited on top of the plant's lid. From what I could see this
works pretty well for them; one had caught a huge bee and another
had a moth or butterfly. I didn't see these spiders on top of S.
rubra but then I probably saw 30 flavas for every rubra so it
many only be a problem of numbers.
Jeff Welch and I are supposed to go to the swamp this weekend or
next (ready, Jeff?) and I'll look for these spiders again. I have
one or two pictures from the last trip if anyone is interested in
identifying the spider.