Re: Oh not again!

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Fri, 05 Jul 96 16:34 EDT

> From: "chris raby" <chris_raby_at_Indigo__Maastricht@SMTPLINK.INDIGO.CO.IL>
> The story so far.
> I went away for 5 weeks in July and when I returned the larger plant
> had started to wither
> Come spring 96 the remaining plant flowered and everything was looking
> good, I kept searching it for snails and found none. I have come home
> tonight to find the plant has started to wither.

Too Hot???? July is one of our hottest months, how is it in UK?
This has been a problem for me and with my new approach for grow-
ing D. californica involves growing them in very light colored pot
so it would heat up less and when temps are above 85~F (29~C) pooring
a pitcher of filterd tap water cooled over night in the fridge over
the soil almost everday. Over 90~F (32~C), cold water everyday.
Also, the pot (24 inches wide) is positioned so it gets little
light during the hottest part of the day. So far, they are doing
well but growth seems to be slowing some with the heat anyway.

> This time I have divided it straight away. Again no obvious
> problems can be seen.
> The pots that the plants are growing in are large. Compost is 50:50
> moss peat and sharp sand.

What you did was good! Lets hope it isn't too late. If you can see
nothing wrong with them, it seems to be too much heat. I doubt a
couple of snails would do much to harm it. Too many, and it might
get indisgestion though. :)

Dave Evans