Re: Dormancy

Carl Mazur (
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 20:36:14 -0400 (EDT)


> Here's some info about where I live and how cold it gets here.
> I live in Oklahoma it gets cold here but inside my house it stays roasty
> toasty
> (usually).It snows sometimes here (if that helps any).I can put the plants in
> a
> fridge.Sometimes it go belows zero,but to protect the plants I can put them
> in our garage.Hope that all the info you need.And is it true that D.capensis
> dosen't have
> to have a dormancy period?And I forgot to tell you my Sarracenia is
> Sarracenia purpurea var.venosa.One more thing what date should I start
> dormancy?
> Thanks.

I'm not much on your other plants, however both VFT and S. purpurea venosa
are quite tough. I usually suggest that you let mother nature put you
plants into dormancy for you. Leave them outside till you get your first
good frost. Buy that time, good ol mother nature has reduced the light
levels and temperature that will naturally put you plants into dormancy.
Then, if your garage stays relativly warm, store them in there in the
winter, just don't let them dry out! If it freezes don't worry. I've
frozen every single species of Sarracenia down to about -18C for a nite
one or twice every winter, they don't seem to mind. Then when spring hits,
put them back outside!

Good luck

Carl J. Mazur