Re: Tea time

Perry Malouf (
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 07:52:06 -0500 (EST)

Dave Evans wrote:

> I just want to reply to something someone (I think it was Perry)
> said about his plants looking better after the peat tea is used.

I am only one of several people who have reported this.

> I have to say that as time goes by and the plants grow, they
> color up and show increased vigor. Perhaps the plants are simply
> showing the result of becoming established?

I'm talking about plants that have been in the same pot for
at least a year, more often two. And, I'm also reporting
results that occurred over a comparatively short time (a month
or two). The population that was treated includes plants in
various stages of growth or dormancy, and varying stages of health.
All showed some improvement in their condition. The improvement
was anything from better and healthier leaf color in some plants,
to bringing back a very sick plant (N. maxima) from almost certain

Perry Malouf