Hybrid/clone/grex records

From: PTemple001@aol.com
Date: Sat Mar 08 1997 - 10:23:46 PST

Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 13:23:46 -0500 (EST)
From: PTemple001@aol.com
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg849$foo@default>
Subject: Hybrid/clone/grex records 


I'm interested to see if anyone thinks they are keeping proper records for
CPs, specifically for hybrid, clone, grex, etc. (i.e. not simply a species
or cultivar). By "proper record", I mean that an attempt is being made to
accurately record the scientific name and parentage using current
nomenclature standards or in a way where you attempt to accurately
differentiate diffent hybrids, clones, grexes, etc..

If you believe you try to keep such records, even for a few plants only, and
if you're willing to chat about it, please mail me directly at

I promise this is not a sly attempt at getting plants. The actual identity
of the plants you are recording is not of interest to me. No hurry as I may
be unable to respond before April unless I hear anything this weekend. But
feel free to contact me now if you don't mind waiting for me to write back !


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