Re: Re:Does Hemisphere really make a difference?

From: dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Date: Mon Apr 21 1997 - 16:43:00 PDT

Date:    Mon, 21 Apr 97 19:43 EDT
From: dave evans                           <T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1563$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Re:Does Hemisphere really make a difference?

> I would think that the growing periods for these plants would be
> dependent upon photo period and temperature. ie. Here in the north east
> U.S. my southern Saracenias always seem to push flower scapes early:
> Jan., Feb., Mar., while my S. purps remain dormant much longer. I


   I keep all Sarracenia outdoors all year and S.flava, S.purpurea
(but not var. burkei) and S.rubra rubra all flower earliest, it
just depends on how much light (heat) a particular bunch gets during
the day. To make some hybrids, I just set later bloomers where they
will get the most sun, and set the earlier birds in the shade.
If they were keep right next to each other I find some species are
off by as much as a month. Flava will flower about a month earlier
than leucophylla, in the same conditions. I assume this is because
leuco is looking for higher temps...

Dave EVans

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