Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 17:15:09 -0700 From: Wim Leys <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg2363$foo@default> Subject: VFT coloration
Hi all,
When and to what extend a single VFT will have a nice red color has
allways been a mistery to me. I found the following parameters to
influence the coloration.
- plants in a plastic greenhouse color better than those in a glass one
(UV ?)
- Cresco BV, a Dutch nursery specialised in propagating CP's, places
mercury lamps +- 20 cm above the plants to give them a nice tan (UV and
or temerature ?)
- after transplanting a plant, the next traps are greener (growing
shock ?)
- after buying a plant, the next traps are greener (growing shock ? and
/ or lack of UV after the treatment in the nursery ?)
- in autumn the plants color red (difference in day-night temperature
and / or end of growing shock (from being transplanted in spring)?)
- seedlings under a plastic dome color bright red (high humidity ?)
Using these observations, one may conclude that the red color appears on
plants that are not disturbed and are growing in a humid environment,
receive a lot of UV light and experience high day-night temerature
But that does not allways hold true. There must be other parameters or I
must have misinterpreted the effects of them on the plants. Using lots
of mercury lamps is far to expensive to be considered.
I would like to grow VFTs that show their typical red coloration early
in the year.
I hope someone can help me.
Kind regards
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