Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 11:18:49 +0100 From: Martin.Zevenbergen@ALGEM.PT.WAU.NL To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg931$foo@default> Subject: re: Cranberries (off-topic)
Dear Nigel,
That's funny, I ordered Vaccinium
oxycoccus (syn. Oxycoccus palustris)
some time ago for my bog garden, but
received a cranberry cultivar (Vaccinium
macrocarpon/Oxycoccus macrocarpus) named
'Pilgrim'. I checked my plant finder,
and saw that there are some more
cultivars of this species.
By the way, does anybody have
seed/plants of the real Oxycoccus
palustris/Vaccinium oxycoccus for me?
Kind regards,
Martin Zevenbergen
>Further to last year's e-mails, a local
>supermarket started selling
>frozen cranberries. I bought a pack,
>and sowed a few seeds from the
>ripest looking berries. In the last
>couple of weeks about half a
>dozen have germinated.
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