Re: Insect Feast

Phil (
Mon, 29 Jul 1996 21:53:56 GMT

In your message dated Monday 29, July 1996 you wrote :
> Reading about slugs about a week or two ago made me glad that I
> have any. Now I think there is a different story. I have not caught any
> in the act but I cannot think of anyone else to blame for the large holes
> appearing in my Sarr. It is a said thing to see my nicely formed
pitchers not
> able to hold any water because of a huge hole in the center! The insect
> responsible didnt even take the time to finish one off. Instead he/she
> (politically correct bugs) decided to make a big hole in every single
> Before I start taking slug counter-measures, I was wondering if
> could be some other insect?

Here in the UK small, almost perfectly circular holes in a leaf are often
caused by the leaf cutter bee. I blame the small holes in the tops of my
Darlingtonia on this creature. They make underground nests I believe, and
they find the dried out pots of my tuberous Droseras particularly
attractive, hopefully they do not do any damage to the tubers.

Anyway, since this bee is apparently on the decline I do not object to a
few holed Darlingtonias.

Phil Wilson