Re: Home Depot

From: Mellard, David (dam7@ATSDHA1.EM.CDC.GOV)
Date: Fri Apr 18 1997 - 06:59:00 PDT

Date: Fri, 18 Apr 97 08:59:00 EST
From: "Mellard, David" <dam7@ATSDHA1.EM.CDC.GOV>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1504$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Home Depot

>From: Thomas W. Hanley
>all the plants are doing well except the D.adelea. I have yet to ever get
this species >to live. I'd love some advice from anyone out there.

Hi Tom,

I had haphazard luck with D. adelae until I stuck them in an aquarium under
fluorescent lights. Now they grow like weeds, managing to catch all sorts
of little prey that go unnoticed by the humans in the house.

Here's my set-up, which actually came from several emails from list members
many months ago.

1. The aquarium has a 1 - 2 inch layer of pebbles that is filled with
2. The adelae are grown in a sand/peat mix (1 to 1).
3. A fluorescent light is about 6 to 10 inches above the plants and a
      covers the remaining part of the aquarium top. There are gaps,
though, that
     allow air exchange.
4. Many of the plants sprang from roots, the only remaining part of once
     healthy plants grown haphazardly outside the aquarium.
5. Avoid setting the pots in water. D. adalae does not like soppy
     You can use an inverted pot to lift the pot with the adalae above the
6. I water the pots infrequently because the humidity remains high as long
     as water is in the bottom of the aquarium.

Good luck

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