Alien invaders

From: Madeleine Groves (
Date: Fri Aug 01 1997 - 08:43:38 PDT

Date: Fri, 1 Aug 1997 15:43:38 +0000
From: "Madeleine Groves" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2907$foo@default>
Subject: Alien invaders

Dear All

Here's some quotes from the Proceedings of the World Conservation Congress
Workshop on Alien Invasive Species (copies available from the Habitat
Conservation Division, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0H3):

'The impact of alien species is now recognised by experts
around the World as one of the most significant negative effects on the conservation of
natural biodiversity, second only to habitat loss' and 'These
careless introductions... are leading towards global homogenization
(Soule, 1990; Clout, 1995). This process has been called "biological
pollution", but unlike chemical pollutants, biological pollutants can
adapt, reproduce, and spread; many widespread invasions now are
virtually irreversible'.

I agree with Tom in Fla. (hello!) that Sarracenia does not present a
problem as seen with other alien invasive
species. It's hardly kudzu, but then what one plant gains is often
a loss (or disadvantage) to another. I had heard that Utricularia gibba was seen as a 'problem' in
New Zealand (Taylor states this species as being possibly
introduced - when) and France (can't remember the publication). By
'problem' I mean that it is seen as a potentially invasive species
for certain habitat types. This info is
anecdotal - any hard data out there or info on legislation which has been passed to
control invasive species which has been applied to this or
other cp species??


Mad xxx

Madeleine Groves
IUCN/SSC Carnivorous Plant Specialist Group (CPSG)
c/o Conventions and Policy Section
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Surrey TW9 3AE

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