RE: Curious behaviours

From: Semanchuk, Phil J (
Date: Tue Mar 31 1998 - 06:46:46 PST

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 09:46:46 -0500
From: "Semanchuk, Phil J" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1093$foo@default>
Subject: RE: Curious behaviours

> I noticed numerous gnats sucking the nectar on the
> VFT traps, but none of them did close on these small
> preys. Though, I've seen these gnats being caught by
> the same plant in the smallest traps from end of
> last year. Are the trigger sensitive to the 'weight'
> of the prey ? Do they need a minimal impulse to
> function ?

My understanding is that trigger hairs on each side of the trap need to be
stimulated within a few seconds in order to trigger trap closure. Presumably
this behavior evolved to help the VFT avoid trapping insects that are too
small to be worth the considerable energy it takes the plant to trap them.

I think the trigger phenomenon has been fairly well studied and documented.
If you want a more accurate explanation than my rather weak one above, a
little research in some CP books should find one for you.

Good growing,

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